13 Reasons Why: Season 2 (spoilers!!!) Review
13 Reasons Why Season 2 Review : The Good, The Bad and The Verdict. No punches pulled in this even bolder season. Credit: Netflix First of all, I just want to say that I was honestly satisfied and content with the first season and firmly believed a second season wasn't at all necessary but regardless I was excited and full of anticipation for season 2. I spent a whole day binging the entire show and what an emotional roller coaster it was. It was gripping, sometimes scary, beautiful and sometimes necessarily uncomfortable. The show is controversial and considering its themes and topic, how couldn't be? the new season focuses on the aftermath of Hannah's death and its impact on her friends and family as well as the school environment. Taking a much more expository format and delving further into the past tragedies shared by the characters so here's the good and the bad of the newest season. The Good Olivia Baker: I'm not sure if still referring to ...